I don’t know how many times I have read this from people who support the RH Bill but I need to say it again: The Church does not have a right to interfere with the affairs of the state. They do not even have a moral high ground considering that all we got from the years of abuse thousands of children received in the hands of Catholic priests is a lousy apology from Pope Benedict. He is not even going to look into changing the celibacy rules in the priesthood to perhaps reduce the occurrence of such heinous acts. They probably want to teach us a lesson in irony too because what they are preaching is not in line with how some of them act. Even author and previously devout Catholic Anne Rice had been turned off with some of the clergy’s behaviour and declared that even though she still believes in God, she is no longer a Catholic. But I digress…
Considering that the Philippines is in a permanent Depression, the RH Bill will be good for everyone in society. It won’t benefit just women. It will benefit the men and children in the women’s life. It has the potential to improve the Filipino’s quality of life because people will not be engaged in unnecessary fighting for scarce resources in order to live a decent life. The RH Bill law has to be passed and it needs to be passed now, or we will forever be imprisoned by 1950s thinking along with runaway population growth. Let us not let an outdated religious ruling control the future of the next generation. The Catholic Church does not have power when they don’t have the backing of the people.